Source code for gluetool.log

Logging support.

Sets up logging environment for use by ``gluetool`` and modules. Based
on standard library's :py:mod:`logging` module, augmented a bit to
support features loke colorized messages and stackable context information.

Example usage:

.. code-block:: python

   # initialize logger as soon as possible
   logger = Logging.create_logger()

   # now it's possible to use it for logging:

   # or connect it with current instance (if you're doing all this
   # inside some class' constructor):

   # now you can access logger's methods directly:
   self.debug('foo once again!')

   # find out what your logging should look like, e.g. by parsing command-line options

   # tell logger about the final setup
   logger = Logging.create_logger(output_file='/tmp/foo.log', level=...)

   # and, finally, create a root context logger - when we create another loggers during
   # the code flow, this context logger will be in the root of this tree of loggers.
   logger = ContextAdapter(logger)

   # don't forget to re-connect with the context logger if you connected your instance
   # with previous logger, to make sure helpers are set correctly

import atexit
import json
import logging
import os
import traceback

import jinja2

from .color import Colors

BLOB_HEADER = '---v---v---v---v---v---'
BLOB_FOOTER = '---^---^---^---^---^---'

# Default log level is logging.INFO or logging.DEBUG if GLUETOOL_DEBUG environment variable is set
DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG if os.getenv('GLUETOOL_DEBUG') else logging.INFO

# Add our custom "verbose" loglevel - it's even bellow DEBUG
logging.VERBOSE = 5
logging.addLevelName(logging.VERBOSE, 'VERBOSE')

# Methods we "patch" logging.Logger and logging.LoggerAdapter with
[docs]def verbose_logger(self, message, *args, **kwargs): if self.isEnabledFor(logging.VERBOSE): # pylint: disable-msg=protected-access self._log(logging.VERBOSE, message, args, **kwargs)
[docs]def verbose_adapter(self, message, *args, **kwargs): message, kwargs = self.process(message, kwargs) self.logger.verbose(message, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def warn_sentry(self, message, *args, **kwargs): """ Beside calling the original the ``warning`` method (stored as ``self.orig_warning``), this one also submits warning to the Sentry server when asked to do so by a keyword argument ``sentry`` set to ``True``. """ if 'sentry' in kwargs: report_to_sentry = kwargs['sentry'] and getattr(self, 'sentry_submit_warning', None) is not None del kwargs['sentry'] else: report_to_sentry = False self.orig_warning(message, *args, **kwargs) if report_to_sentry: self.sentry_submit_warning(message, logger=self, **kwargs)
logging.Logger.orig_warning = logging.Logger.warning logging.Logger.warning = warn_sentry logging.Logger.warn = warn_sentry logging.LoggerAdapter.orig_warning = logging.LoggerAdapter.warning logging.LoggerAdapter.warning = warn_sentry logging.LoggerAdapter.warn = warn_sentry logging.Logger.verbose = verbose_logger logging.LoggerAdapter.verbose = verbose_adapter _TRACEBACK_TEMPLATE = """ {%- set label = '{}:'.format(label) %} ---v---v---v---v---v--- {{ label | center(10) }} ---v---v---v---v---v--- {{ exception.__class__.__module__ }}.{{ exception.__class__.__name__ }}: {{ exception.message }} {{ traceback }} ---^---^---^---^---^---^----------^---^---^---^---^---^--- """
[docs]class BlobLogger(object): """ Context manager to help with "real time" logging - some code may produce output continuously, e.g. when running a command and streaming its output to our stdout, and yet we still want to wrap it with boundaries and add a header. This code: .. code-block:: python with BlobLogger('ls of root', outro='end of ls'):['ls', '/']) will lead to the output similar to this: .. code-block:: bash [20:30:50] [+] ---v---v---v---v---v--- ls of root bin boot data dev ... [20:30:50] [+] ---^---^---^---^---^--- end of ls .. note:: When you already hold the data you wish to log, please use :py:func:`gluetool.log.log_blob` or :py:func:`gluetool.log.log_dict`. The example above could be rewritten using ``log_blob`` by using :py:meth:`subprocess.check_output` and passing its return value to ``log_blob``. ``BlobLogger`` is designed to wrap output whose creation caller don't want to (or cannot) control. :param str intro: Label to show what is the meaning of the logged data. :param str outro: Label to show by the final boundary to mark the end of logging. :param callable on_finally: When set, it will be called in ``__exit__`` method. User of this context manager might need to flush used streams or close resources even in case the exception was raised while inside the context manager. ``on_finally`` is called with all arguments the ``__exit__`` was called, and its return value is returned by ``__exit__`` itself, therefore it can examine possible exceptions, and override them. :param callable writer: A function which is used to actually log the text. Usually a one of some logger methods. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, intro, outro=None, on_finally=None, writer=None): self.writer = Logging.get_logger().info if writer is None else writer self.intro = intro self.outro = outro self.on_finally = on_finally def __enter__(self): self.writer('{} {}'.format(BLOB_HEADER, self.intro)) def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.writer('{} {}'.format(BLOB_FOOTER, self.outro or '')) if self.on_finally: return self.on_finally(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def format_dict(dictionary): """ Format a Python data structure for printing. Uses :py:func:`json.dumps` formatting capabilities to present readable representation of a given structure. """ # Use custom "default" handler, to at least encode obj's repr() output when # json encoder does not know how to encode such class def default(obj): return repr(obj) return json.dumps(dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), default=default)
[docs]def log_dict(writer, intro, data): """ Log structured data, e.g. JSON responses or a Python ``list``. .. note:: For logging unstructured "blobs" of text, use :py:func:`gluetool.log.log_blob`. It does not attempt to format the output, and wraps it by header and footer to mark its boundaries. .. note:: Using :py:func:`gluetool.log.format_dict` directly might be shorter, depending on your your code. For example, this code: .. code-block:: python self.debug('Some data:\\n{}'.format(format_dict(data))) is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python log_dict(self.debug, 'Some data', data) If you need more formatting, or you wish to fit more information into a single message, using logger methods with ``format_dict`` is a way to go, while for logging a single structure ``log_dict`` is more suitable. :param callable writer: A function which is used to actually log the text. Usually a one of some logger methods. :param str intro: Label to show what is the meaning of the logged structure. :param str blob: The actual data to log. """ writer('{}:\n{}'.format(intro, format_dict(data)))
[docs]def log_blob(writer, intro, blob): """ Log "blob" of characters of unknown structure, e.g. output of a command or response of a HTTP request. The blob is preceded by a header and followed by a footer to mark exactly the blob boundaries. .. note:: For logging structured data, e.g. JSON or Python structures, use :py:func:`gluetool.log.log_dict`. It will make structure of the data more visible, resulting in better readability of the log. :param callable writer: A function which is used to actually log the text. Usually a one of some logger methods. :param str intro: Label to show what is the meaning of the logged blob. :param str blob: The actual blob of text. """ writer("{}:\n{}\n{}\n{}".format(intro, BLOB_HEADER, blob, BLOB_FOOTER))
[docs]def log_xml(writer, intro, element): """ Log an XML element, e.g. Beaker job description. :param callable writer: A function which is used to actually log the text. Usually a one of some logger methods. :param str intro: Label to show what is the meaning of the logged blob. :param element: XML element to log. """ writer("{}:\n{}".format(intro, element.prettify(encoding='utf-8')))
[docs]class ContextAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter): """ Generic logger adapter that collects "contexts", and prepends them to the message. "context" is any key in ``extra`` dictionary starting with ``ctx_``, whose value is expected to be tuple of ``(priority, value)``. Contexts are then sorted by their priorities before inserting them into the message (lower priority means context will be placed closer to the beggining of the line - highest priority comes last. :param logging.Logger logger: parent logger this adapter modifies. :param dict extras: additional extra keys passed to the parent class. The dictionary is then used to update messages' ``extra`` key with the information about context. """ def __init__(self, logger, extra=None): super(ContextAdapter, self).__init__(logger, extra or {}) self.warn = self.warning self.sentry_submit_warning = getattr(logger, 'sentry_submit_warning', None)
[docs] def process(self, msg, kwargs): """ Original ``process`` overwrites ``kwargs['extra']`` which doesn't work for us - we want to chain adapters, getting more and more contexts on the way. Therefore ``update`` instead of assignment. """ if 'extra' not in kwargs: kwargs['extra'] = {} kwargs['extra'].update(self.extra) return msg, kwargs
[docs] def connect(self, parent): """ Create helper methods in ``parent``, by assigning adapter's methods to its attributes. One can then call ``parent.debug`` and so on, instead of less readable ``parent.logger.debug``. Simply instantiate adapter and call its ``connect`` with an object as a ``parent`` argument, and the object will be enhanced with all these logging helpers. :param parent: object to enhance with logging helpers. """ parent.debug = self.debug parent.verbose = self.verbose = parent.warn = self.warning parent.error = self.error parent.exception = self.exception
[docs]class ModuleAdapter(ContextAdapter): """ Custom logger adapter, adding module name as a context. :param logging.Logger logger: parent logger this adapter modifies. :param gluetool.glue.Module module: module whose name is added as a context. """ def __init__(self, logger, module): super(ModuleAdapter, self).__init__(logger, {'ctx_module_name': (10, module.unique_name)})
[docs]class LoggingFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Custom log record formatter. Produces output in form of: ``[stamp] [level] [ctx1] [ctx2] ... message`` :param bool colors: if set, colorize output. Enabled by default but when used with file-backed destinations, colors are disabled by logging subsystem. :param bool log_tracebacks: if set, add tracebacks to the message. By default, we don't need tracebacks on the terminal, unless its loglevel is verbose enough, but we want them in the debugging file. """ #: Tags used to express loglevel. _level_tags = { logging.VERBOSE: 'V', logging.DEBUG: 'D', logging.INFO: '+', logging.WARNING: 'W', logging.ERROR: 'E', logging.CRITICAL: 'C' } #: Colorizers assigned to loglevels _level_color = { logging.INFO: lambda text:, fg='green'), logging.WARNING: lambda text:, fg='yellow'), logging.ERROR: lambda text:, fg='red'), logging.CRITICAL: lambda text:, fg='red') } def __init__(self, colors=True, log_tracebacks=False): super(LoggingFormatter, self).__init__() self.colors = colors self.log_tracebacks = log_tracebacks @staticmethod
[docs] def _format_exception_chain(exc_info): tmpl = jinja2.Template(_TRACEBACK_TEMPLATE) output = [''] def _add_block(label, exc, trace): output.append(tmpl.render(label=label, exception=exc, traceback=''.join(traceback.format_tb(trace)))) # don't unpack traceback - it might lead to a circular reference, leaving this frame # uncollectable _add_block('Exception', exc_info[1], exc_info[2]) while getattr(exc_info[1], 'caused_by', None) is not None: exc_info = exc_info[1].caused_by _add_block('Caused by', exc_info[1], exc_info[2]) return '\n'.join(output)
[docs] def format(self, record): """ Format a logging record. It puts together pieces like time stamp, log level, possibly also different contexts if there are any stored in the record, and finally applies colors if asked to do so. :param logging.LogRecord record: record describing the event. :rtype: str :returns: string representation of the event record. """ fmt = ['[{stamp}]', '[{level}]', '{msg}'] values = { 'stamp': self.formatTime(record, datefmt='%H:%M:%S'), 'level': LoggingFormatter._level_tags[record.levelno], 'msg': record.getMessage() } if record.exc_info \ and (self.log_tracebacks is True or Logging.stderr_handler.level in (logging.DEBUG, logging.VERBOSE)): fmt.append('{exc_text}') values['exc_text'] = LoggingFormatter._format_exception_chain(record.exc_info) # List all context properties of record ctx_properties = [prop for prop in dir(record) if prop.startswith('ctx_')] if ctx_properties: # Sorting them in reverse order of priorities - we're goign to insert # their values into `fmt`, so the highest priority context must be # inserted as the last one. sorted_ctxs = sorted(ctx_properties, key=lambda x: getattr(record, x)[0], reverse=True) for name in sorted_ctxs: _, value = getattr(record, name) fmt.insert(2, '[{%s}]' % name) values[name] = value msg = ' '.join(fmt).format(**values) if self.colors and record.levelno in self._level_color: msg = self._level_color[record.levelno](msg) return msg
[docs]class Logging(object): """ Container wrapping configuration and access to :py:mod:`logging` infrastructure ``gluetool`` uses for logging. """ #: Logger singleton - if anyone asks for a logger, they will get this one. Needs #: to be properly initialized by calling :py:meth:`create_logger`. logger = None #: Stream handler printing out to stderr. stderr_handler = None #: If enabled, handles output to catch-everything file. output_file = None output_file_handler = None @staticmethod
[docs] def _close_output_file(): """ If opened, close output file used for logging. This method is registered with :py:mod:`atexit`. """ if Logging.output_file_handler is None: return Logging.get_logger().debug("closing output file '{}'".format(Logging.output_file)) Logging.output_file_handler.flush() Logging.output_file_handler.close() Logging.output_file_handler = None
[docs] def get_logger(): """ Returns a logger instance. Expects there was a call to :py:meth:`create_logger` method before calling this method that would actually create and set up the logger. :rtype: logging.Logger :returns: a :py:class:`logging.Logger` instance, set up for logging, or ``None`` when there's no logger yet. """ return Logging.logger
[docs] def create_logger(output_file=None, level=DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL, sentry=None, sentry_submit_warning=None): """ Create and setup logger. This method is called at least twice: - when :py:class:`gluetool.glue.Glue` is instantiated: only a ``stderr`` handler is set up, with loglevel being ``INFO``; - when all arguments and options are processed, and Glue instance can determine desired log level, whether it's expected to stream debugging messages into a file, etc. This time, method only modifies propagates necessary updates to already existing logger. :param str output_file: if set, new handler will be attached to the logger, streaming messages of **all** log levels into this this file. :param int level: desired log level. One of constants defined in :py:mod:`logging` module, e.g. :py:data:`logging.DEBUG` or :py:data:`logging.ERROR`. :param bool sentry: if set, logger will be augmented to send every log message to the Sentry server. :param callable sentry_submit_warning: if set, it is used by ``warning`` methods of derived loggers to submit warning to the Sentry server, if asked by a caller to do so. :rtype: logging.Logger :returns: a :py:class:`logging.Logger` instance, set up for logging. """ level = level or logging.INFO if Logging.logger is None: logger = Logging.logger = logging.getLogger('gluetool') logger.propagate = False logger.sentry_submit_warning = sentry_submit_warning # logger actually emits everything, handlers do filtering logger.setLevel(logging.VERBOSE) # stderr handler Logging.stderr_handler = handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setLevel(level) handler.setFormatter(LoggingFormatter()) logger.addHandler(handler) else: logger = Logging.logger # set log level to new value Logging.stderr_handler.setLevel(level) if output_file is not None: # catch-everything file requested handler = logging.FileHandler(output_file, 'w') handler.setLevel(logging.VERBOSE) formatter = LoggingFormatter(colors=False, log_tracebacks=True) formatter.log_tracebacks = True handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) # Overwrites previously set output files (not our case but worth mentioning...) Logging.output_file = output_file Logging.output_file_handler = handler logger.debug("created output file '{}'".format(output_file)) atexit.register(Logging._close_output_file) if sentry is not None: sentry.enable_logging_breadcrumbs(logger) logger.debug("logger set up: output_file='{}', level={}".format(output_file, level)) return logger