Source code for gluetool.sentry

Integration with `Sentry, error tracking software <>`_.

In theory, when an exception is raised and not handled, you can use this module
to submit it to your Sentry instance, and track errors produced by your application.

The actual integration is controlled by several environment variables. Each
can be unset, empty or set:

    * ``SENTRY_DSN`` - Client key, or DSN as called by Sentry docs.

      When unset or empty, the integration is disabled and no events are sent to the Sentry server.

    * ``SENTRY_BASE_URL`` - Optional: base URL of your project on the Sentry web server. The module
      can then use this value and construct URLs for reported events, which, when followed, will lead
      to the corresponding issue.

      When unset or empty, such URLs will not be available.

    * ``SENTRY_TAG_MAP`` - Optional: comma-separated mapping between environment variables and additional
      tags, which are attached to every reported event. E.g. ``username=USER,hostname=HOSTNAME`` will add
      2 tags, ``username`` and ``hostname``, setting their values according to the environment. Unset variables
      are silently ignored.

      When unset or empty, no additional tags are added to events.

The actual names of these variables can be changed when creating an instance of

import os

import raven

import gluetool
import gluetool.log
import gluetool.utils

[docs]class Sentry(object): """ Provides unified interface to the Sentry client, Raven. Callers don't have to think whether the submitting is enabled or not, and we can add common tags and other bits we'd like to track for all events. :param str dsn_env_var: Name of environment variable setting Sentry DSN. Set to ``None`` to explicitly disable Sentry integration. :param str base_url_env_var: Name of environment variable setting base URL of Sentry server. Setting to ``None`` will cause the per-event links will not be available to users of this class. :param str tags_map_env_var: Name of environment variable setting mapping between environment variables and additional tags. Set to ``None`` to disable adding these tags. """ def __init__(self, dsn_env_var='SENTRY_DSN', base_url_env_var='SENTRY_BASE_URL', tags_map_env_var='SENTRY_TAG_MAP'): self._client = None self._base_url = None if base_url_env_var: self._base_url = os.environ.get(base_url_env_var, None) self._tag_map = {} if tags_map_env_var and tags_map_env_var in os.environ: for pair in os.environ[tags_map_env_var].split(','): tag, env_var = pair.split('=') self._tag_map[env_var.strip()] = tag.strip() if not dsn_env_var: return dsn = os.environ.get(dsn_env_var, None) if not dsn: return self._client = raven.Client(dsn, install_logging_hook=True) # Enrich Sentry context with information that are important for us context = {} # env variables for name, value in os.environ.iteritems(): context['env.{}'.format(name)] = value self._client.extra_context(context) @gluetool.utils.cached_property def enabled(self): return self._client is not None
[docs] def enable_logging_breadcrumbs(self, logger): if not self.enabled: return raven.breadcrumbs.register_special_log_handler(logger, lambda *args: False)
[docs] def event_url(self, event_id, logger=None): """ Return URL showing the event on the Sentry server. If ``event_id`` is ``None`` or when base URL of the Sentry server was not set, ``None`` is returned instead. :param str event_id: ID of the Sentry event, e.g. the one returned by :py:meth:`submit_exception` or :py:meth:`submit_warning`. :param gluetool.log.ContextAdapter logger: logger to use for logging. """ if not self._base_url: return None return gluetool.utils.treat_url('{}/?query={}'.format(self._base_url, event_id), logger=logger)
[docs] def log_issue(failure, logger=None): """ Nicely log issue and possibly its URL. :param gluetool.glue.Failure failure: ``Failure`` instance describing the exception. :param gluetool.log.ContextAdapter logger: logger to use for logging. """ if not logger or not failure: return logger.error("Submitted as Sentry issue '{}'".format(failure.sentry_event_id)) if failure.sentry_event_url: logger.error('See {} for details.'.format(failure.sentry_event_url))
[docs] def _capture(self, event_type, logger=None, failure=None, **kwargs): """ Prepare common arguments, and then submit the data to the Sentry server. """ tags = kwargs.pop('tags', {}) fingerprint = kwargs.pop('fingerprint', ['{{ default }}']) for env_var, tag in self._tag_map.iteritems(): if env_var not in os.environ: continue tags[tag] = os.environ[env_var] if failure is not None: if 'soft-error' not in tags: tags['soft-error'] = failure.soft is True if 'exc_info' not in kwargs: kwargs['exc_info'] = failure.exc_info if hasattr(failure.exception, 'sentry_fingerprint'): fingerprint = failure.exception.sentry_fingerprint(fingerprint) if hasattr(failure.exception, 'sentry_tags'): tags = failure.exception.sentry_tags(tags) event_id = self._client.capture(event_type, tags=tags, fingerprint=fingerprint, **kwargs) if failure is not None: failure.sentry_event_id = event_id failure.sentry_event_url = self.event_url(event_id, logger=logger) self.log_issue(failure, logger=logger) return event_id
[docs] def submit_exception(self, failure, logger=None, **kwargs): """ Submits an exception to the Sentry server. Exceptions are usually submitted automagically, but sometimes you might feel the need to share arbitrary issues with the world. When submitting is not enabled, this method simply returns without sending anything anywhere. :param gluetool.glue.Failure failure: ``Failure`` instance describing the exception. :param dict kwargs: Additional arguments that will be passed to Sentry's ``captureException`` method. """ if not self.enabled: return return self._capture('', logger=logger, failure=failure, **kwargs)
[docs] def submit_warning(self, msg, logger=None, **kwargs): """ Submits a warning to the Sentry server. You might feel the need to share arbitrary issues - e.g. warnings that are not serious enough to kill the pipeline - with the world. When submitting is not enabled, this method simply returns without sending anything anywhere. :param str msg: Message describing the issue. :param dict kwargs: additional arguments that will be passed to Sentry's ``captureMessage`` method. """ if not self.enabled: return return self._capture('', logger=logger, message=msg, **kwargs)