Source code for gluetool.tool

Heart of the "gluetool" script. Referred to by setuptools' entry point.

import functools
import os
import re
import signal
import sys
import traceback

import gluetool
import gluetool.sentry

from gluetool import GlueError, GlueRetryError, Failure
from gluetool.glue import PipelineStep
from gluetool.log import log_dict
from gluetool.utils import format_command_line, cached_property, normalize_path

# Order is important, the later one overrides values from the former


[docs]def handle_exc(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=broad-except, protected-access try: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, Exception): self._handle_failure(Failure(self.Glue.current_module if self.Glue else None, sys.exc_info())) return wrapped
[docs]class Gluetool(object): def __init__(self): self.gluetool_config_paths = DEFAULT_GLUETOOL_CONFIG_PATHS self.sentry = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.Glue = None self.argv = None self.pipeline_desc = None @cached_property def _version(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use from .version import __version__ return __version__.strip() @cached_property def _command_name(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use return 'gluetool'
[docs] def _deduce_pipeline_desc(self, argv, modules): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Split command-line arguments, left by ``gluetool``, into a pipeline description, splitting them by modules and their options. :param list argv: Remainder of :py:data:`sys.argv` after removing ``gluetool``'s own options. :param list(str) modules: List of known module names. :returns: Pipeline description in a form of a list of :py:class:`gluetool.glue.PipelineStep` instances. """ alias_pattern = re.compile(r'^([a-z\-]*):([a-z\-]*)$', re.I) pipeline_desc = [] step = None while argv: arg = argv.pop(0) # is the "arg" a module name? If so, add new step to the pipeline if arg in modules: step = PipelineStep(arg) pipeline_desc.append(step) continue # is the "arg" a module with an alias? If so, add a new step to the pipeline, and note the alias match = alias_pattern.match(arg) if match is not None: module, actual_module = match.groups() step = PipelineStep(module, actual_module=actual_module) pipeline_desc.append(step) continue if step is None: raise GlueError("Cannot parse module argument: '{}'".format(arg)) step.argv.append(arg) return pipeline_desc
[docs] def log_cmdline(self, argv, pipeline_desc): cmdline = [ [sys.argv[0]] + argv ] for step in pipeline_desc: cmdline.append([step.module_designation] + step.argv)'command-line:\n{}'.format(format_command_line(cmdline)))
@cached_property def _exit_logger(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Return logger for use when finishing the ``gluetool`` pipeline. """ # We want to use the current logger, if there's any set up. logger = gluetool.log.Logging.get_logger() if logger: return logger # This may happen only when something went wrong during logger initialization # when Glue instance was created. Falling back to a very basic Logger seems # to be the best option here. import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.warn('Cannot use custom logger, falling back to a default one') return logger
[docs] def _quit(self, exit_status): """ Log exit status and quit. """ logger = self._exit_logger (logger.debug if exit_status == 0 else logger.error)('Exiting with status {}'.format(exit_status)) sys.exit(exit_status)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def _cleanup(self, failure=None): """ Clear Glue pipeline by calling modules' ``destroy`` methods. """ if not self.Glue: return 0 destroy_failure = self.Glue.destroy_modules(failure=failure) # if anything happend while destroying modules, crash the pipeline if not destroy_failure: return 0 self._exit_logger.warn('Exception raised when destroying modules, overriding exit status') return -1
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def _handle_failure_core(self, failure): logger = self._exit_logger # Handle simple 'sys.exit(0)' - no exception happened if failure.exc_info[0] == SystemExit and failure.exc_info[1].code == 0: self._quit(0) # soft errors are up to users to fix, no reason to kill pipeline exit_status = 0 if failure.soft is True else -1 if failure.module: msg = "Exception raised in module '{}': {}".format(failure.module.unique_name, failure.exc_info[1].message) else: msg = "Exception raised: {}".format(failure.exc_info[1].message) logger.exception(msg, exc_info=failure.exc_info) self.sentry.submit_exception(failure, logger=logger) exit_status = min(exit_status, self._cleanup(failure=failure)) self._quit(exit_status)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def _handle_failure(self, failure): try: self._handle_failure_core(failure) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: exc_info = sys.exc_info() # Don't trust anyone, the exception might have occured inside logging code, therefore # resorting to plain print. print >> sys.stderr print >> sys.stderr, '!!! While handling an exception, another one appeared !!!' print >> sys.stderr print >> sys.stderr, 'Will try to submit it to Sentry but giving up on everything else.' try: # pylint: disable=protected-access print >> sys.stderr, gluetool.log.LoggingFormatter._format_exception_chain(sys.exc_info()) # Anyway, try to submit this exception to Sentry, but be prepared for failure in case the original # exception was raised right in Sentry-related code. self.sentry.submit_exception(Failure(None, exc_info)) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: # tripple error \o/ print >> sys.stderr print >> sys.stderr, '!!! While submitting an exception to the Sentry, another exception appeared !!!' print >> sys.stderr, ' Giving up on everything...' print >> sys.stderr traceback.print_exc() # Don't use _quit() here - it might try to use complicated logger, and we don't trust # anythign at this point. Just die already. sys.exit(-1)
[docs] def setup(self): self.sentry = gluetool.sentry.Sentry() # Python installs SIGINT handler that translates signal to # a KeyboardInterrupt exception. It's so good we want to use # it for SIGTERM as well, just wrap the handler with some logging. orig_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) sigmap = {getattr(signal, name): name for name in [name for name in dir(signal) if name.startswith('SIG')]} def _signal_handler(signum, frame, handler=None, msg=None): msg = msg or 'Signal {} received'.format(sigmap[signum]) Glue.warn(msg) if handler is not None: return handler(signum, frame) def _sigusr1_handler(signum, frame): # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise GlueError('Pipeline timeout expired.') sigint_handler = functools.partial(_signal_handler, handler=orig_sigint_handler, msg='Interrupted by SIGINT (Ctrl+C?)') sigterm_handler = functools.partial(_signal_handler, handler=orig_sigint_handler, msg='Interrupted by SIGTERM') sigusr1_handler = functools.partial(_signal_handler, handler=_sigusr1_handler) # pylint: disable=invalid-name Glue = self.Glue = gluetool.Glue(tool=self, sentry=self.sentry) # Glue is initialized, we can install our logging handlers signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler) for signum in DEFAULT_HANDLED_SIGNALS: signal.signal(signum, _signal_handler) # process configuration Glue.parse_config(self.gluetool_config_paths) Glue.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # store tool's configuration - everything till the start of "pipeline" (the first module) self.argv = sys.argv[1:len(sys.argv) - len(Glue.option('pipeline'))] if Glue.option('pid'):'PID: {} PGID: {}'.format(os.getpid(), os.getpgrp())) # version if Glue.option('version'):'{} {}'.format(self._command_name, self._version)) sys.exit(0) Glue.load_modules()
[docs] def check_options(self): Glue = self.Glue self.pipeline_desc = self._deduce_pipeline_desc(Glue.option('pipeline'), Glue.module_list()) log_dict(Glue.debug, 'pipeline description', self.pipeline_desc) # list modules groups = Glue.option('list-modules') if groups == [True]: sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % Glue.module_list_usage([])) sys.exit(0) elif groups: sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % Glue.module_list_usage(groups)) sys.exit(0) if Glue.option('list-shared'): import tabulate functions = [] for mod_name in Glue.module_list(): # pylint: disable=line-too-long functions += [[func_name, mod_name] for func_name in Glue.modules[mod_name]['class'].shared_functions] # Ignore PEP8Bear if functions: functions = sorted(functions, key=lambda row: row[0]) else: functions = [['-- no shared functions available --', '']] sys.stdout.write("""Available shared functions {} """.format(tabulate.tabulate(functions, ['Shared function', 'Module name'], tablefmt='simple'))) sys.exit(0)
[docs] def run_pipeline(self): Glue = self.Glue # no modules if not self.pipeline_desc: raise GlueError('No module specified, use -l to list available') # command-line info if Glue.option('info'): self.log_cmdline(self.argv, self.pipeline_desc) # actually the execution loop is retries+1 # there is always one execution retries = Glue.option('retries') for loop_number in range(retries + 1): try: # Reset pipeline - destroy all modules that exist so far Glue.destroy_modules() # Print retry info if loop_number: Glue.warn('retrying execution (attempt #{} out of {})'.format(loop_number, retries)) # Run the pipeline Glue.run_modules(self.pipeline_desc, register=True) except GlueRetryError as e: Glue.error(e) continue break
[docs] def main(self): self.setup() self.check_options() self.run_pipeline() self._quit(self._cleanup())
[docs]def main(): app = Gluetool() app.main()