How to: gluetool documentation

This text is a (hopefully complete) list of best practices, dos and don’ts and tips when it comes to writing documentation of gluetool APIs, options and other documents. When writing - or reviewing - gluetool docs, please adhere to these rules whenever possible.


These rules are not cast in stone - when we find out some are standing in our way to the most readable and usable documentation, let’s just discuss the change and change what must be changed.


gluetool uses reStructuredText for its docstrings and documentation. If you’re not familiar with this markup language, please see following links to get some idea:

Also inspecting sources - and the resulting documentation - is a good way to find out how to do something, e.g. how to use links to external documents.

How to generate HTML documentation locally

  • Just run ansible playbook generate-docs.yml which can be found in the root directory of the project

    /usr/bin/ansible-playbook generate-docs.yml

You documentation awaits you at docs/build/html/index.html.

Write multi-line docstrings

Foo bar

Most of the time, functions and classes take parameters, return values, etc. Unless there’s a really good reason against that, e.g. in the case of very simple helpers, multi-line docstring should be the goal, allowing for detailed description of the documented API.

Every module must have a description

Short, one or two sentences describing the purpose of the module.

Every shared function must be documented

Shared functions are the API of gluetool modules. Their docstrings are used to generate HTML docs or command-line help, therefore it’s crucial to document their usage.

Every module must be documented

Longer, detailed description of module’s goal, provided services, required resources and possible pitfalls.

Check whether the documentation is up-to-date

Make sure the documentation describes the actual state of the affairs. E.g. developer could have changed semantics of a command-line option, or added another one that changed a behavior slightly, and forgot to update its help string.


Outdated documentation is probably even worse than no documentation at all. It leads reader to false assumptions which lead to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. When revieweing documentation, please take special care of making sure it’s up-to-date.

Default values of parameters

If the parameter is a keyword parameter, having its default value right in function signature, Sphinx will use this information and add it to the output.

def foo(bar=None):
    :param str bar: if set, it's printed to ``stdout``.

If the default value only means unspecified value and function replaces it internally with the actual default value that cannot be declared in function signature (e.g. it’s mutable object, or it’s retreived from another API), then it should be noted in parameter description:

def foo(bar=None):
    :param dict bar: if set, it's passed to Baz. Empty ``dict`` is used by default.

    bar = bar or {}

Reference what can be referenced

Hyperlinks are good. Hyperlinks are useful. Hyperlinks save lives. Sphinx makes it easy to reference Python stuff, you can find more information here.

It is not necessary to reference types of parameters when documented by :param <type> name directive - Sphinx will attempt to create correspondign link automagically.

Return values

Sphinx provides two directives for return value documentation:

  • :returns: * describe the return value, you can include its type if it fits naturally into your text * if you include type, you must reference it manually, Sphinx won’t do it
  • :rtype: * type - and only a type - of the return value * creates a link to the type - it’s not necessary to reference it with :py:...

If you can fit return value type into your description of the return value, then use :returns:. Most of the time you probably can, that makes :rtype: a bit redundant but sometimes it can be useful.

:returns: :py:class:`gluetool.utils.ProcessOutput` instance whose attributes contain data returned by the process.

Code and data examples

If it’d be helpful, use an example, e.g. to show possible config file structure or to provide better idea about complex return type. For this, .. code-block:: <language> can be very useful:

This is what a config file may look like:

  - bar
  - baz


Be careful of the alignment of text bellow the code-block directive - it starts at the same column as the code-block string, with one empty line separating them.


  • Use backquotes to mark literals
    • module names: guest-setup, jenkins, …
    • commands: jenkins-jobs, /bin/ls, …
    • when mentioning it, gluetool itself
    • basic Python types: dict, list, …
    • command-line options: --help, --pattern-map, …
  • Sentences should start with capital letter and end with a full stop. This applies to parameter descriptions as well.
  • Directives like :param can spread to multiple lines - in such case, indent the second and following lines by a single <TAB>.