Source code for gluetool.html_log

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import io
import json
import os
import re
import sys

import jinja2
from jinja2.utils import Markup
from six import PY2, ensure_str

from .log import format_dict

# Type annotations
# pylint: disable=unused-import,wrong-import-order
from typing import cast, Any, Dict, IO, Iterable, Optional, TextIO, Union  # noqa

NOT_WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'[^\s]')

    {# Inject assets - library styles and Javascript. File paths are relative to a path set via --assets option #}
    <style>{{ "semantic.min.css" | file_content }}</style>
    <style>{{ "prism.css" | file_content }}</style>
    <script>{{ "semantic.min.js" | file_content }}</script>
    <script>{{ "prism.js" | file_content }}</script>

      body {
        font-size: medium;

      .hidden {
        display: none

      function toggle(entry) {

    <table class="ui celled table">
    {# First column: date/time; second column: log level (probably can disappear...); third column: messages, data... #}

    {% for entry in LOG %}
      {# Skip DEBUG entries, if we're not asked to include them #}
      {% if not ARGS.include_debug and entry['levelname'] == 'DEBUG' %}
        {% continue %}
      {% endif %}

      {# Save our loop control info - we're going to need it for different IDs later #}
      {% set entry_loop = loop %}

      {# Colorize row based on the log level #}
        {% if entry['levelname'] == 'INFO' %}
        {% elif entry['levelname'] == 'WARNING' %}
        {% elif entry['levelname'] == 'ERROR' %}
        {% endif %}
        <td>{{ entry['created'] }}</td>
        <td>{{ entry['levelname'] }}</td>
          {# if `raw_intro` is set, the entry contains data we'd like to present in a structured way - blob, structure, XML #}
          {% if entry.raw_intro %}
            {{ entry.raw_intro | message }}:
          {% else %}
            {{ entry.message | message }}
          {% endif %}

          <div class="ui right floated buttons">
            {# If there's `caused_by`, we have to add a button to open "Exceptions" view #}
            {% if entry['caused_by'] %}
              <button class="ui button negative" onclick="toggle('entry-{{ loop.index0 }}-exceptions');">Exceptions</button>
            {% endif %}

      {# Display special data #}
      {% if entry.raw_intro %}
          <td colspan="2" />
            {% if entry.raw_struct is not none %}
{{ entry.raw_struct | json }}
            {% endif %}
      {% endif %}

      {# Exception info #}
      {% if entry.caused_by %}
      <tr id="entry-{{ loop.index0 }}-exceptions" class="hidden">
        <td /><td />
          {% for exc_info in entry.caused_by %}
            {% set exception = exc_info.exception %}
            {% set traceback = exc_info.traceback %}
            {% set last_frame = traceback[-1] %}

            {% if loop.index0 == 0 %}
              <h3 class="ui header">Top-level exception:</h3>
            {% else %}
              <div class="ui divider"></div>

              <h3 class="ui header">Caused by:</h3>
            {% endif %}

            <div class="language-markup">
              At <code>{{ last_frame.filename | escape }}:{{ last_frame.lineno }}</code>, in <code>{{ last_frame.fnname | escape }}()</code>, <code>{{ exception.class | escape }}</code> was raised:
              <div class="ui error large message">{{ exception.message | escape }}</div>

            {#Traceback #}
            <table class="ui celled table">
              <thead class="full-width">
                  <th colspan="2">Traceback</th>

              {% for frame in traceback %}
                    <!-- <i class="file alternate outline icon"></i> --><code>{{ frame.filename | escape }}:{{ frame.lineno }}</code>
                    <div class="ui right floated buttons">
                      <button class="ui icon blue button" onclick="navigator.clipboard.writeText('{{ frame.filename }}');">
                        <!-- <i class="copy outline icon"></i> -->
                      <button class="ui button brown" onclick="toggle('entry-{{ entry_loop.index0 }}-frame-locals-{{ loop.index0 }}');">
                        <!-- <i class="list icon"></i> -->
                      {% if frame.filename and frame.lineno and frame.filename != '<template>' %}
                        <button class="ui button brown" onclick="toggle('entry-{{ entry_loop.index0 }}-frame-snippet-{{ loop.index0 }}');">
                          <!-- <i class="code icon"></i> -->
                      {% endif %}

                {# source snippet #}
                {% if frame.filename and frame.filename != '<template>' %}
                  <tr id="entry-{{ entry_loop.index0 }}-frame-snippet-{{ loop.index0 }}" class="hidden">
                    <td colspan="2">
                      {{ frame.filename | python_snippet(frame.lineno) }}
                {% endif %}

                {# frame locals #}
                <tr id="entry-{{ entry_loop.index0 }}-frame-locals-{{ loop.index0 }}" class="hidden">
                  <td colspan="2">
                      <table class="ui table">
                            <th class="two wide">Name</th>
                            <th class="two wide">Type</th>
                            <th class="ten wide">Value</th>
                          {% for name, var in frame.locals.items() %}
                              <td><code>{{ name }}</code></td>
                              <td><code>{{ var.type | escape }}</code></td>
{{ var.value | json }}
                          {% endfor %}  {# for name, var in frame.locals.items() #}

              {% endfor %}  {# for frame in traceback #}
          {% endfor %}  {# for entry in LOG #}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

[docs]def decode_stacked(document, pos=0, decoder=json.JSONDecoder()): # type: (str, int, Any) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]] """ Generator returning log entries - entries are not part of one large list of log entries, they are simply added to the log file one by one, therefore we cannot use :py:mod:`json` module to read them, it'd return just the first one. """ while True: match =, pos) if not match: return pos = match.start() obj, pos = decoder.raw_decode(document, pos) yield obj
[docs]def _code_filter(ctx, value, syntax, apply_format=False, line_numbers=False, line_start=None, line_highlight=None): # type: (Any, str, str, bool, bool, Optional[int], Optional[int]) -> Union[str, Markup] # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ Generic filter to highlight the code. Emits tags and content to employ Prism to do the highlighting. :param ctx: render context governed by Jinja. :param value: text or actual data structure to highlight as code. :param str syntax: what syntax to use for highlighting, e.g. ``python``. :param bool apply_format: if set, ``format_dict`` is called to pretty-print the structure in ``value``. :param bool line_numbers: if set, lines in the output are prefixed with their numbers. :param int line_start: if set, it specifies how far from the beginning of the file (line 1) the code starts, and how much we have to fake the line counter before prefixing lines. :param int line_highlight: if set, line of this number would be highlighted. """ if apply_format: value = format_dict(value) pre_attrs = [] if line_numbers is True: pre_attrs.append('class="line-numbers"') if line_start is not None: pre_attrs.append('data-start="{}"'.format(line_start)) if line_highlight is not None: pre_attrs.append('data-line="{}"'.format(line_highlight)) intro = Markup('<pre {}><code class="language-{}">'.format(' '.join(pre_attrs), syntax)) outro = Markup('</code></pre>\n') result = intro + Markup(value.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;')) + outro if ctx.autoescape: return Markup(result) return result
[docs]def _snippet_filter(ctx, filepath, lineno, syntax, window=10): # type: (Any, str, int, str, int) -> Union[str, Markup] """ Generic filter providing snippet of the code from a source file, including the highlight. :param ctx: render context governed by Jinja. :param str filepath: source file. :param int lineno: important line we want to highligh. :param str syntax: what syntax to use for highlighting, e.g. ``python``. :param int window: size of the "window" we cut from the file. It is actually a half of the window, we peek ``window`` lines up **and** down around ``lineno``. """ with as f: lines = f.readlines() line_index = lineno - 1 snippet = lines[max(line_index - window, 0):min(line_index + window, len(lines))] return _code_filter(ctx, ''.join(snippet), syntax, line_numbers=True, line_start=max(lineno - window, 1), line_highlight=lineno)
@jinja2.contextfilter # type: ignore
[docs]def file_content_filter(ctx, value): # type: (Any, str) -> Union[str, Markup] # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Return content of the given file. File path must be relative to an assets directory set by ``--assets`` option. :param ctx: render context governed by Jinja. :param str value: path to a file to include. """ with['ARGS'].assets, value), 'r') as f: return Markup(
@jinja2.evalcontextfilter # type: ignore
[docs]def message_filter(ctx, value): # type: (Any, str) -> Union[str, Markup] """ Return slightly escaped log message to make it keep its formatting in HTML. * spaces are replaced with non-breakable spaces (``&nbsp;``); * new-line characters are replaced with ``<br/>`` elements. :param ctx: render context governed by Jinja. :param str value: message to escape. """ result = value.replace('\n', cast(str, Markup('<br/>\n'))).replace(' ', cast(str, Markup('&nbsp;'))) if ctx.autoescape: return Markup(result) return result
@jinja2.evalcontextfilter # type: ignore
[docs]def json_filter(ctx, value): # type: (Any, str) -> Union[str, Markup] """ Return highlighted JSON code. :param ctx: render context governed by Jinja. :param str value: JSON snippet to highlight. """ return _code_filter(ctx, value, 'json', apply_format=True)
# Python filter is not being used at this moment # # @jinja2.evalcontextfilter # def python_filter(ctx, value, line_numbers=False, line_start=None): # return _code_filter(ctx, value, 'python', line_numbers=line_numbers, line_start=line_start) @jinja2.evalcontextfilter # type: ignore
[docs]def python_snippet_filter(ctx, filepath, lineno): # type: (Any, str, int) -> Union[str, Markup] """ :param ctx: render context governed by Jinja. :param str filepath: source file. :param int lineno: line to highlight. """ return _snippet_filter(ctx, filepath, lineno, 'python')
[docs]def log_entries(stream): # type: (Any) -> Any """ Return generator of log entries. :param file stream: ``file``-like stream to read JSON input from. """ return decode_stacked(
[docs]def main(): # type: () -> None # Install our custom filters jinja2.defaults.DEFAULT_FILTERS.update({ 'file_content': file_content_filter, 'json': json_filter, 'python_snippet': python_snippet_filter, 'message': message_filter }) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate HTML log from JSON log (gluetool --json-file ...)') parser.add_argument( '-a', '--assets', default=os.path.expandvars('$VIRTUAL_ENV/assets/html-log'), help='Path to the directory with HTML log assets (default: %(default)s).' ) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--input', default='gluetool-debug.json', help='Input file (default: %(default)s).' ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', default='gluetool-debug.html', help='Output file (default: %(default)s).' ) parser.add_argument( '-D', '--include-debug', default=False, action='store_true', help='Include entries with level DEBUG (default: %(default)s).' ) args = parser.parse_args() # Input file - is it a file or stdin? if args.input == '-': entries = log_entries(sys.stdin) else: if not os.path.exists(args.input): print('No such file "{}"'.format(args.input)) sys.exit(1) with, 'r') as f: entries = log_entries(f) # Output file - file or stdout? if args.output == '-': output_stream = sys.stdout else: if PY2: output_stream = cast(IO[str],, 'w')) else: output_stream = cast(TextIO,, 'w')) jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.loopcontrols']) template = jinja_env.from_string(TEMPLATE) output_stream.write(ensure_str(template.render(ARGS=args, LOG=entries))) output_stream.flush()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()