Source code for gluetool.log

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines

Logging support.

Sets up logging environment for use by ``gluetool`` and modules. Based
on standard library's :py:mod:`logging` module, augmented a bit to
support features loke colorized messages and stackable context information.

Example usage:

.. code-block:: python

   # initialize logger as soon as possible
   logger = Logging.get_logger()

   # now it's possible to use it for logging:

   # find out what your logging should look like, e.g. by parsing command-line options

   # tell logger about the final setup
   logger = Logging.setup_logger(output_file='/tmp/foo.log', level=...)

   # when you want to make logging methods easily accessible in your class, throw in
   # LoggerMixin:
   class Foo(LoggerMixin, ...):
     def __init__(self, some_logger):
         super(Foo, self).__init__(logger)


import atexit
import contextlib
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback

import jinja2
import tabulate
from six import PY2, ensure_str, ensure_binary, iteritems, iterkeys

from .color import Colors

# Type annotations
# pylint: disable=unused-import,wrong-import-order,line-too-long
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AnyStr, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, MutableMapping, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union  # noqa
from typing_extensions import Protocol  # noqa
from types import TracebackType  # noqa
from mypy_extensions import Arg, DefaultArg, NamedArg, DefaultNamedArg, VarArg, KwArg  # noqa

    # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
    import bs4  # noqa
    import gluetool  # noqa
    import gluetool.sentry  # noqa

# Type definitions
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
ExceptionInfoType = Union[
    Tuple[Optional[type], Optional[BaseException], Optional[TracebackType]],  # returned by sys.exc_info()
    Tuple[None, None, None]

LoggingFunctionType = Callable[
        DefaultNamedArg(ExceptionInfoType, 'exc_info'),
        DefaultNamedArg(Dict[str, Any], 'extra'),
        DefaultNamedArg(bool, 'sentry')

BLOB_HEADER = '---v---v---v---v---v---'
BLOB_FOOTER = '---^---^---^---^---^---'

# Default log level is logging.INFO or logging.DEBUG if GLUETOOL_DEBUG environment variable is set
DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG if os.getenv('GLUETOOL_DEBUG') else logging.INFO

# Our custom "verbose" loglevel - it's even bellow DEBUG, and it *will* be lost unless
# gluetool's told to store it into a file. It's goal is to capture very verbose log records,
# e.g. raw output of commands or API responses.

{%- set label = '{}:'.format(label) %}
---v---v---v---v---v--- {{ label | center(10) }} ---v---v---v---v---v---

At {{ stack[-1][0] }}:{{ stack[-1][1] }}, in {{ stack[-1][2] }}:

{{ exception.__class__.__module__ }}.{{ exception.__class__.__name__ }}: {{ exception }}

{% for filepath, lineno, fn, text, frame in stack %}
  File "{{ filepath }}", line {{ lineno }}, in {{ fn }}
    {{ text | default('') }}

    Local variables:{% for name in iterkeys(frame.f_locals) | sort %}
        {{ name }} = {{ frame.f_locals[name] }}
    {%- endfor %}
{% endfor %}

[docs]class BlobLogger(object): """ Context manager to help with "real time" logging - some code may produce output continuously, e.g. when running a command and streaming its output to our stdout, and yet we still want to wrap it with boundaries and add a header. This code: .. code-block:: python with BlobLogger('ls of root', outro='end of ls'):['ls', '/']) will lead to the output similar to this: .. code-block:: bash [20:30:50] [+] ---v---v---v---v---v--- ls of root bin boot data dev ... [20:30:50] [+] ---^---^---^---^---^--- end of ls .. note:: When you already hold the data you wish to log, please use :py:func:`gluetool.log.log_blob` or :py:func:`gluetool.log.log_dict`. The example above could be rewritten using ``log_blob`` by using :py:meth:`subprocess.check_output` and passing its return value to ``log_blob``. ``BlobLogger`` is designed to wrap output whose creation caller don't want to (or cannot) control. :param str intro: Label to show what is the meaning of the logged data. :param str outro: Label to show by the final boundary to mark the end of logging. :param callable on_finally: When set, it will be called in ``__exit__`` method. User of this context manager might need to flush used streams or close resources even in case the exception was raised while inside the context manager. ``on_finally`` is called with all arguments the ``__exit__`` was called, and its return value is returned by ``__exit__`` itself, therefore it can examine possible exceptions, and override them. :param callable writer: A function which is used to actually log the text. Usually a one of some logger methods. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, intro, outro=None, on_finally=None, writer=None): # type: (str, Optional[str], Optional[Callable[..., Any]], Optional[Callable[[str], None]]) -> None self.writer = writer or Logging.get_logger().info self.intro = intro self.outro = outro self.on_finally = on_finally def __enter__(self): # type: () -> None self.writer('{} {}'.format(BLOB_HEADER, self.intro)) def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (*Any, **Any) -> Optional[Any] self.writer('{} {}'.format(BLOB_FOOTER, self.outro or '')) if self.on_finally: return self.on_finally(*args, **kwargs) return None # makes mypy happy
[docs]class StreamToLogger(object): """ Fake ``file``-like stream object that redirects writes to a given logging method. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, log_fn): # type: (LoggingFunctionType) -> None self.log_fn = log_fn self.linebuf = [] # type: List[str]
[docs] def write(self, buf): # type: (str) -> None for c in buf: if ord(c) == ord('\n'): self.log_fn(ensure_str(''.join(self.linebuf))) self.linebuf = [] continue if ord(c) == ord('\r'): continue self.linebuf.append(c)
@contextlib.contextmanager # type: ignore # complains about incompatible type but I see no issue :/
[docs]def format_blob(blob): # type: (AnyStr) -> str """ Format a blob of text for printing. Wraps the text with boundaries to mark its borders. """ text_blob = ensure_str(blob) return '{}\n{}\n{}'.format(BLOB_HEADER, text_blob, BLOB_FOOTER)
[docs]def format_dict(dictionary): # type: (Any) -> str """ Format a Python data structure for printing. Uses :py:func:`json.dumps` formatting capabilities to present readable representation of a given structure. """ # Use custom "default" handler, to at least encode obj's repr() output when # json encoder does not know how to encode such class def default(obj): # type: (Any) -> str return repr(obj) return json.dumps(dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), default=default)
[docs]def format_table(table, **kwargs): # type: (Iterable[Iterable[str]], **Any) -> str """ Format a table, represented by an iterable of rows, represented by iterables. Internally, ``tabulate`` is used to do the formatting. All keyword arguments are passed to ``tabulate`` call. :param list(list()) table: table to format. :returns: formatted table. """ return tabulate.tabulate(table, **kwargs)
[docs]def format_xml(element): # type: (bs4.BeautifulSoup) -> str """ Format an XML element, e.g. Beaker job description, for printing. :param element: XML element to format. """ prettyfied = element.prettify() # type: str return prettyfied
[docs]def log_dict(writer, intro, data): # type: (LoggingFunctionType, str, Any) -> None """ Log structured data, e.g. JSON responses or a Python ``list``. .. note:: For logging unstructured "blobs" of text, use :py:func:`gluetool.log.log_blob`. It does not attempt to format the output, and wraps it by header and footer to mark its boundaries. .. note:: Using :py:func:`gluetool.log.format_dict` directly might be shorter, depending on your your code. For example, this code: .. code-block:: python self.debug('Some data:\\n{}'.format(format_dict(data))) is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python log_dict(self.debug, 'Some data', data) If you need more formatting, or you wish to fit more information into a single message, using logger methods with ``format_dict`` is a way to go, while for logging a single structure ``log_dict`` is more suitable. :param callable writer: A function which is used to actually log the text. Usually a one of some logger methods. :param str intro: Label to show what is the meaning of the logged structure. :param str blob: The actual data to log. """ writer('{}:\n{}'.format(intro, format_dict(data)), extra={ 'raw_intro': intro, 'raw_struct': data })
[docs]def log_blob(writer, intro, blob): # type: (LoggingFunctionType, str, AnyStr) -> None """ Log "blob" of characters of unknown structure, e.g. output of a command or response of a HTTP request. The blob is preceded by a header and followed by a footer to mark exactly the blob boundaries. .. note:: For logging structured data, e.g. JSON or Python structures, use :py:func:`gluetool.log.log_dict`. It will make structure of the data more visible, resulting in better readability of the log. :param callable writer: A function which is used to actually log the text. Usually a one of some logger methods. :param str intro: Label to show what is the meaning of the logged blob. :param str blob: The actual blob of text. """ writer("{}:\n{}".format(intro, format_blob(blob)), extra={ 'raw_intro': intro, 'raw_blob': blob })
[docs]def log_table(writer, intro, table, **kwargs): # type: (LoggingFunctionType, str, Iterable[Iterable[str]], **Any) -> None """ Log a formatted table. All keyword arguments are passed to :py:meth:`format_table` call which does the actual formatting. :param callable writer: A function which is used to actually log the text. Usually a one of some logger methods. :param str intro: Label to show what is the meaning of the logged table. :param list(list()) table: table to format. """ writer('{}:\n{}'.format(intro, format_table(table, **kwargs)), extra={ 'raw_intro': intro, 'raw_table': table })
[docs]def log_xml(writer, intro, element): # type: (LoggingFunctionType, str, bs4.BeautifulSoup) -> None """ Log an XML element, e.g. Beaker job description. :param callable writer: A function which is used to actually log the text. Usually a one of some logger methods. :param str intro: Label to show what is the meaning of the logged blob. :param element: XML element to log. """ writer("{}:\n{}".format(intro, format_xml(element)), extra={ 'raw_intro': intro, 'raw_xml': element })
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def _extract_stack(tb): # type: (Any) -> List[Any] """ Construct a "stack" by merging two sources of data: 1. what's provided by ``traceback.extract_tb()``, i.e. ``(filename, lineno, fnname, text)`` tuple for each frame; 2. stack frame objects, hidden inside traceback object and available via following links from one frame to another. :rtype: list(list(str, int, str, str, frame)) """ stack = [] extracted_tb = traceback.extract_tb(tb) trace_iter = tb while trace_iter: stack.append(list(extracted_tb.pop(0)) + [trace_iter.tb_frame]) trace_iter = trace_iter.tb_next return stack
[docs]class SingleLogLevelFileHandler(logging.FileHandler): def __init__(self, level, *args, **kwargs): # type: (int, *Any, **Any) -> None super(SingleLogLevelFileHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.level = level
[docs] def emit(self, record): # type: (logging.LogRecord) -> None if not record.levelno == self.level: return super(SingleLogLevelFileHandler, self).emit(record)
[docs]class ContextAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter): """ Generic logger adapter that collects "contexts", and prepends them to the message. "context" is any key in ``extra`` dictionary starting with ``ctx_``, whose value is expected to be tuple of ``(priority, value)``. Contexts are then sorted by their priorities before inserting them into the message (lower priority means context will be placed closer to the beggining of the line - highest priority comes last. ``ContextAdapter`` is a corner stone of our logging infrastructure, **everything** is supposed to, one way or another, to use this class (or one of its children) for logging. We should avoid using bare ``Logger`` instances because they lack context propagation, message routing to debug and verbose files, ``verbose`` method & ``sentry`` parameter. Parent class, :py:class:`logging.LoggerAdapter`, provides all common logging methods. We overload them with our own implementations because we want to 1) handle type annotations on our side, 2) let users submit messages to Sentry. :param logger: parent logger this adapter modifies. :param dict extras: additional extra keys passed to the parent class. The dictionary is then used to update messages' ``extra`` key with the information about context. """ def __init__(self, logger, extra=None): # type: (Union[logging.Logger, ContextAdapter], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None super(ContextAdapter, self).__init__(logger, extra or {}) # type: ignore # base class expects just Logger self._logger = logger if PY2: = # type: str
[docs] def addHandler(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (*Any, **Any) -> None self._logger.addHandler(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def removeHandler(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (*Any, **Any) -> None self._logger.removeHandler(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def process(self, msg, kwargs): # type: (str, MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, MutableMapping[str, Any]] """ Original ``process`` overwrites ``kwargs['extra']`` which doesn't work for us - we want to chain adapters, getting more and more contexts on the way. Therefore ``update`` instead of assignment. """ extra = kwargs.get('extra', {}) if extra is None: extra = {} if not isinstance(extra, dict): extra = { 'legacy-extra': extra } extra.update(self.extra) # type: ignore # `self.extra` does exist kwargs['extra'] = extra return msg, kwargs
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,arguments-differ
[docs] def log(self, level, msg, exc_info=None, extra=None, sentry=False): # type: ignore # Signature of "log" incompatible with supertype "LoggerAdapter" # type: (int, str, Optional[ExceptionInfoType], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], bool) -> None msg, kwargs = self.process( msg, # yes, process doesn't accept **kwargs... { 'exc_info': exc_info, 'extra': extra } ) self._logger.log(level, msg, **kwargs) if sentry and Logging.sentry: Logging.sentry.submit_message(msg, logger=self)
[docs] def isEnabledFor(self, level): # type: (int) -> Any return self._logger.isEnabledFor(level)
[docs] def verbose(self, msg, exc_info=None, extra=None, sentry=False): # type: (str, Optional[ExceptionInfoType], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], bool) -> None if not self.isEnabledFor(VERBOSE): return # When we are expected to emit record of VERBOSE level, make a DEBUG note # as well, to "link" debug and verbose outputs. With this, one might read # DEBUG log, and use this reference to find corresponding VERBOSE record. # Adding time.time() as a salt - tag is based on message hash, it may be # logged multiple times, leading to the same tag. tag = hashlib.md5(ensure_binary('{}: {}'.format(time.time(), msg))).hexdigest() # add verbose tag as a context, with very high priority extra = extra or {} extra['ctx_verbose_tag'] = (1000, 'VERBOSE {}'.format(tag)) # Verbose message should give some hint. It must contain the tag, but it could also start # with a hint! keep_len = 12 if len(msg) <= keep_len: hint = msg else: new_line_index = msg.find('\n') if new_line_index == -1: hint = '{}...'.format(msg[0:keep_len]) elif new_line_index == keep_len: hint = msg elif new_line_index < keep_len: hint = msg[0:new_line_index] else: hint = '{}...'.format(msg[0:keep_len]) placeholder_message = '{} (See "verbose" log for the actual message)'.format(hint) self.log(logging.DEBUG, placeholder_message, exc_info=exc_info, extra=extra, sentry=sentry) self.log(VERBOSE, msg, exc_info=exc_info, extra=extra, sentry=sentry)
# Disabling type checking of logging methods' signatures - they differ from supertype's signatures # but that is on purpose. # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def debug(self, msg, exc_info=None, extra=None, sentry=False): # type: ignore # type: (str, Optional[ExceptionInfoType], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], bool) -> None self.log(logging.DEBUG, msg, exc_info=exc_info, extra=extra, sentry=sentry)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def info(self, msg, exc_info=None, extra=None, sentry=False): # type: ignore # type: (str, Optional[ExceptionInfoType], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], bool) -> None self.log(logging.INFO, msg, exc_info=exc_info, extra=extra, sentry=sentry)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def warning(self, msg, exc_info=None, extra=None, sentry=False): # type: ignore # type: (str, Optional[ExceptionInfoType], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], bool) -> None self.log(logging.WARNING, msg, exc_info=exc_info, extra=extra, sentry=sentry)
warn = warning # type: ignore # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def error(self, msg, exc_info=None, extra=None, sentry=False): # type: ignore # type: (str, Optional[ExceptionInfoType], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], bool) -> None self.log(logging.ERROR, msg, exc_info=exc_info, extra=extra, sentry=sentry)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def exception(self, msg, exc_info=None, extra=None, sentry=False): # type: ignore # type: (str, Optional[ExceptionInfoType], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], bool) -> None self.log(logging.ERROR, msg, exc_info=exc_info, extra=extra, sentry=sentry)
[docs]class ModuleAdapter(ContextAdapter): """ Custom logger adapter, adding module name as a context. :param logger: parent logger this adapter modifies. :param gluetool.glue.Module module: module whose name is added as a context. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, logger, module): # type: (ContextAdapter, gluetool.glue.Module) -> None super(ModuleAdapter, self).__init__(logger, {'ctx_module_name': (10, module.unique_name)})
[docs]class LoggerMixin(object): """ Use as a parent class (or one of them) when you want to "attach" methods of a given logger to class' instances. :param ContextAdapter logger: logger to propagate. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, logger, *args, **kwargs): # type: (ContextAdapter, *Any, **Any) -> None super(LoggerMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore # Too many arguments - it's fine... self.attach_logger(logger)
[docs] def attach_logger(self, logger): # type: (ContextAdapter) -> None """ Initialize this object's logging methods to those provided by a given ``logger``. """ self.logger = logger self.log = logger.log self.verbose = logger.verbose self.debug = logger.debug = self.warning = self.warn = logger.warning self.error = logger.error self.exception = logger.exception
[docs]class PackageAdapter(ContextAdapter): """ Custom logger dapter, adding a package name as a context. Intended to taint log records produced by a 3rd party packages. :param logger: parent logger this adapter modifies. :param str name: name of the library. """ def __init__(self, logger, name): # type: (ContextAdapter, str) -> None super(PackageAdapter, self).__init__(logger, {'ctx_package_name': (50, name)})
[docs]class LoggingFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Custom log record formatter. Produces output in form of: ``[stamp] [level] [ctx1] [ctx2] ... message`` :param bool colors: if set, colorize output. Enabled by default but when used with file-backed destinations, colors are disabled by logging subsystem. :param bool log_tracebacks: if set, add tracebacks to the message. By default, we don't need tracebacks on the terminal, unless its loglevel is verbose enough, but we want them in the debugging file. """ #: Tags used to express loglevel. _level_tags = { VERBOSE: 'V', logging.DEBUG: 'D', logging.INFO: '+', logging.WARNING: 'W', logging.ERROR: 'E', logging.CRITICAL: 'C' } #: Colorizers assigned to loglevels _level_color = { logging.INFO: lambda text:, fg='green'), logging.WARNING: lambda text:, fg='yellow'), logging.ERROR: lambda text:, fg='red'), logging.CRITICAL: lambda text:, fg='red') } # type: Dict[int, Callable[[str], str]] def __init__(self, colors=True, log_tracebacks=False): # type: (Optional[bool], Optional[bool]) -> None super(LoggingFormatter, self).__init__() self.colors = colors self.log_tracebacks = log_tracebacks @staticmethod
[docs] def _format_exception_chain(exc_info): # type: (Any) -> str """ Format exception chain. Start with the one we're given, and follow its `caused_by` property until we ran out of exceptions to format. """ tmpl = jinja2.Template(_TRACEBACK_TEMPLATE) output = [''] # Format one exception and its traceback def _add_block(label, exc, trace): # type: (str, Exception, Any) -> None stack = _extract_stack(trace) output.append( ensure_str(tmpl.render(label=label, exception=exc, stack=stack, iterkeys=iterkeys)) ) # This is the most recent exception, we start with this one - it's often the one most visible, # exceptions that caused it are usualy hidden from user's sight. _add_block('Exception', exc_info[1], exc_info[2]) # Iterate over any previous exceptions and format them as well. while getattr(exc_info[1], 'caused_by', None) is not None: exc_info = exc_info[1].caused_by _add_block('Caused by', exc_info[1], exc_info[2]) return '\n'.join(output).strip()
[docs] def format(self, record): # type: (logging.LogRecord) -> str """ Format a logging record. It puts together pieces like time stamp, log level, possibly also different contexts if there are any stored in the record, and finally applies colors if asked to do so. :param logging.LogRecord record: record describing the event. :rtype: str :returns: string representation of the event record. """ fmt = ['[{stamp}]', '[{level}]', '{msg}'] values = { 'stamp': self.formatTime(record, datefmt='%H:%M:%S'), 'level': LoggingFormatter._level_tags[record.levelno], 'msg': record.getMessage() } # type: Dict[str, str] handler_logs_traceback = self.log_tracebacks is True \ or (Logging.stderr_handler is not None and Logging.stderr_handler.level in (logging.DEBUG, VERBOSE)) if record.exc_info and record.exc_info != (None, None, None) and handler_logs_traceback: fmt.append('{exc_text}') # \n helps formatting - logging would add formatted chain right after the leading message # without starting new line. We must do it, to make report more readable. values['exc_text'] = '\n\n' + LoggingFormatter._format_exception_chain(record.exc_info) # Handle context properties of the record def _add_context(context_name, context_value): # type: (str, str) -> None fmt.insert(2, '[{%s}]' % context_name) values[context_name] = context_value # find all context properties attached to the record ctx_properties = [prop for prop in dir(record) if prop.startswith('ctx_')] if ctx_properties: # Sorting them in reverse order of priorities - we're goign to insert # their values into `fmt`, so the highest priority context must be # inserted as the last one. sorted_ctxs = sorted(ctx_properties, key=lambda x: getattr(record, x)[0], reverse=True) for name in sorted_ctxs: _, value = getattr(record, name) _add_context(name, value) # add thread name context if we're not in the main thread thread_name = getattr(record, 'threadName', None) if thread_name is not None and thread_name != 'MainThread': _add_context('thread_name', thread_name) # format message msg = ' '.join(fmt).format(**values) if self.colors and record.levelno in self._level_color: msg = self._level_color[record.levelno](msg) return msg
[docs]class JSONLoggingFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Custom logging formatter producing a JSON dictionary describing the log record. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> None # pylint: disable=unused-argument super(JSONLoggingFormatter, self).__init__() @staticmethod
[docs] def _format_exception_chain(serialized, exc_info): # type: (Dict[str, Any], ExceptionInfoType) -> None """ "Format" exception chain - transform it into a bunch of JSON structures describing exceptions, stack frames, local variables and so on. Serves the same purpose as ``LoggingFormatter._format_exception_chain`` but that one produces a string, textual representation suitable for printing. This method produces JSON structures, suitable for, hm, JSON log. """ serialized['caused_by'] = [] # pylint: disable=invalid-name def _add_cause(exc, tb): # type: (Optional[BaseException], Optional[TracebackType]) -> None if exc: exc_module, exc_class, exc_message = exc.__class__.__module__, exc.__class__.__name__, str(exc) else: exc_module, exc_class, exc_message = '', '', '' stack = _extract_stack(tb) if tb else [] serialized['caused_by'].append({ 'exception': { 'class': '{}.{}'.format(exc_module, exc_class), 'message': exc_message }, 'traceback': [ { 'filename': filename, 'lineno': lineno, 'fnname': fnname, 'text': text, 'locals': { local_var_name: { 'type': type(local_var_value), 'value': local_var_value } for local_var_name, local_var_value in iteritems(frame.f_locals) } } for filename, lineno, fnname, text, frame in stack ] }) _add_cause(exc_info[1], exc_info[2]) while exc_info[1] and getattr(exc_info[1], 'caused_by', None) is not None: exc_info = exc_info[1].caused_by # type: ignore # it *does* have `caused_by` attribute _add_cause(exc_info[1], exc_info[2])
[docs] def format(self, record): # type: (logging.LogRecord) -> str # Construct a huuuuge dictionary describing the event serialized = { field: getattr(record, field, None) for field in ( # LogRecord properties 'args', 'created', 'exc_info', 'exc_text', 'filename', 'funcName', 'levelname', 'levelno', 'lineno', 'module', 'msecs', 'msg', 'name', 'pathname', 'process', 'processName', 'relativeCreated', 'thread', 'threadName', # our custom fields 'raw_blob', 'raw_struct', 'raw_table', 'raw_xml', 'raw_intro' ) } serialized['message'] = record.getMessage() if record.exc_info: JSONLoggingFormatter._format_exception_chain(serialized, record.exc_info) return ensure_str(format_dict(serialized))
[docs]class Logging(object): """ Container wrapping configuration and access to :py:mod:`logging` infrastructure ``gluetool`` uses for logging. """ #: Logger singleton - if anyone asks for a logger, they will get this one. Needs #: to be properly initialized by calling :py:meth:`setup_logger`. adapted_logger = None # type: ContextAdapter #: Bare root logger we're hiding inside ``adapted_logger`` logger = None # logging.Logger #: Stream handler printing out to stderr. stderr_handler = None # type: logging.StreamHandler debug_file_handler = None verbose_file_handler = None json_file_handler = None sentry = None # type: Optional[gluetool.sentry.Sentry] @staticmethod
[docs] def get_logger(): # type: () -> ContextAdapter """ Returns a logger-like object suitable for logging stuff. :rtype: ContextAdapter :returns: an instance of ContextAdapter wrapping root logger, or ``None`` when there's no logger yet. """ if Logging.logger is None: Logging.setup_logger() if Logging.adapted_logger is None: Logging.adapted_logger = ContextAdapter(Logging.logger) return Logging.adapted_logger
# Following methods are intended for 3rd party loggers one might want to connect to our # logging configuration. Gluetool will configure properly its own logger and few others # it knows about (e.g. "requests" has one interesting), but it has no idea what other # loggers might be interesting for module developer. Therefore, these methods are used # to A) setup loggers gluetool knows about, and B) public to allow module developer # attach arbitrary loggers. @staticmethod
[docs] def configure_logger(logger): # type: (logging.Logger) -> None """ Configure given logger to conform with Gluetool's idea of logging. The logger is set to ``VERBOSE`` level, shared stderr handler is added, and Sentry integration status is propagated as well. After this method, the logger will behave like Gluetool's main logger. """ logger.propagate = False # logger actually emits everything, handlers do filtering logger.setLevel(VERBOSE) # add stderr handler logger.addHandler(Logging.stderr_handler) # Extra handling for Jaeger logger: # - replace it with a context adapter to keep track of what's being done by Jaeger code, # - patch its `info` with `debug` - Jaeger is logging things with INFO severity, which spoils # our output, DEBUG is perfectly fine for us. jaeger_logger = logging.getLogger('jaeger_tracing') if logger == jaeger_logger: jaeger_context_adapter = PackageAdapter(Logging.get_logger(), 'tracing') for attr in ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'exception'): setattr(logger, attr, getattr(jaeger_context_adapter, attr)) = logger.debug # type: ignore
[docs] def enable_logger_sentry(logger): # type: (Union[logging.Logger, ContextAdapter]) -> None if not Logging.sentry: return Logging.sentry.enable_logging_breadcrumbs(logger)
[docs] def enable_debug_file(logger): # type: (Union[logging.Logger, ContextAdapter]) -> None if not Logging.debug_file_handler: return logger.addHandler(Logging.debug_file_handler)
[docs] def enable_verbose_file(logger): # type: (Union[logging.Logger, ContextAdapter]) -> None if not Logging.verbose_file_handler: return logger.addHandler(Logging.verbose_file_handler)
[docs] def enable_json_file(logger): # type: (Union[logging.Logger, ContextAdapter]) -> None if not Logging.json_file_handler: return logger.addHandler(Logging.json_file_handler)
OUR_LOGGERS = ( logging.getLogger('gluetool'), logging.getLogger('jaeger_tracing'), logging.getLogger('urllib3') ) @staticmethod
[docs] def _setup_log_file(filepath, # type: str level, # type: int limit_level=False, # type: bool formatter_class=LoggingFormatter # type: Type[Union[LoggingFormatter, JSONLoggingFormatter]] ): # noqa # type: (...) -> Optional[logging.FileHandler] if filepath is None: return None if limit_level: handler = SingleLogLevelFileHandler(level, filepath, 'w') # type: logging.FileHandler else: handler = logging.FileHandler(filepath, 'w') handler.setLevel(level) formatter = formatter_class(colors=False, log_tracebacks=True) handler.setFormatter(formatter) def _close_log_file(): # type: () -> None logger = Logging.get_logger() logger.debug("closing output file '{}'".format(filepath)) handler.flush() handler.close() logger.removeHandler(handler) atexit.register(_close_log_file) Logging.get_logger().debug("created output file '{}'".format(filepath)) return handler
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,line-too-long @staticmethod
[docs] def setup_logger(level=DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL, # type: int debug_file=None, # type: Optional[str] verbose_file=None, # type: Optional[str] json_file=None, # type: Optional[str] sentry=None, # type: Optional[gluetool.sentry.Sentry] show_traceback=False # type: bool ): # noqa # type: (...) -> ContextAdapter """ Create and setup logger. This method is called at least twice: - when :py:class:`gluetool.glue.Glue` is instantiated: only a ``stderr`` handler is set up, with loglevel being ``INFO``; - when all arguments and options are processed, and Glue instance can determine desired log level, whether it's expected to stream debugging messages into a file, etc. This time, method only modifies propagates necessary updates to already existing logger. :param str debug_file: if set, new handler will be attached to the logger, streaming messages of at least ``DEBUG`` level into this this file. :param str verbose_file: if set, new handler will be attached to the logger, streaming messages of ``VERBOSE`` log levels into this this file. :param str json_file: if set, all logging messages are sent to this file in a form of JSON structures. :param int level: desired log level. One of constants defined in :py:mod:`logging` module, e.g. :py:data:`logging.DEBUG` or :py:data:`logging.ERROR`. :param bool sentry: if set, logger will be augmented to send every log message to the Sentry server. :param bool show_traceback: if set, exception tracebacks would be sent to ``stderr`` handler as well as to the debug file. :rtype: ContextAdapter :returns: a :py:class:`ContextAdapter` instance, set up for logging. """ level = level or logging.INFO # store for later use by configure_logger & co. Logging.sentry = sentry if Logging.logger is None: # we're doing the very first setup of logging handlers, therefore create new stderr handler, # configure it and attach it to correct places Logging.stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler() Logging.stderr_handler.setLevel(level) # create our main logger Logging.logger = logging.getLogger('gluetool') # setup all loggers we're interested in list(map(Logging.configure_logger, Logging.OUR_LOGGERS)) # set formatter Logging.stderr_handler.setFormatter(LoggingFormatter()) # set log level to new value Logging.stderr_handler.setLevel(level) # honor traceback display setup assert Logging.stderr_handler.formatter is not None Logging.stderr_handler.formatter.log_tracebacks = show_traceback # type: ignore # create debug and verbose files if debug_file: Logging.debug_file_handler = Logging._setup_log_file(debug_file, logging.DEBUG) if verbose_file: Logging.verbose_file_handler = Logging._setup_log_file(verbose_file, VERBOSE, limit_level=True) if json_file: Logging.json_file_handler = Logging._setup_log_file(json_file, VERBOSE, formatter_class=JSONLoggingFormatter) # now our main logger should definitely exist and it should be usable logger = Logging.get_logger() logger.debug('logger setup: level={}, debug file={}, verbose file={}, json file={}, sentry={}, show traceback={}'.format( level, debug_file, verbose_file, json_file, 'yes' if sentry else 'no', show_traceback )) # Enable Sentry Logging.enable_logger_sentry(logger) list(map(Logging.enable_logger_sentry, Logging.OUR_LOGGERS)) # Enable debug and verbose files Logging.enable_debug_file(logger) Logging.enable_verbose_file(logger) Logging.enable_json_file(logger) list(map(Logging.enable_debug_file, Logging.OUR_LOGGERS)) list(map(Logging.enable_verbose_file, Logging.OUR_LOGGERS)) list(map(Logging.enable_json_file, Logging.OUR_LOGGERS)) return logger
# Add log-level => label translation for our custom VERBOSE level logging.addLevelName(VERBOSE, 'VERBOSE')