Source code for gluetool.result

# Type annotations
# pylint: disable=unused-import,wrong-import-order
from typing import cast, Any, Generic, Optional, TypeVar, Union  # noqa

# Result and its handling.
# A ``Result`` can be either ``Ok(value)`` - valid result, contains a meaningful
# value - or ``Error(error)`` which represents an error, carrying error's description.

# T represents the type of valid value...
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
T = TypeVar("T")
# ... and E represents type of the error description.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
E = TypeVar("E")

[docs]class Result(Generic[T, E]): """ A simple `Result` type inspired by Rust. A ``Result`` can be either ``Ok(value)`` - valid result, contains a meaningful value - or ``Error(error)`` which represents an error, carrying error's description. :param bool _is_ok: ``True`` when the ``_value`` is OK-ish. :param _value: the value carried by the result. :param bool _force: guards against accidental direct use. """ def __init__(self, _is_ok, _value, _force=False): # type: (bool, Union[T, E], bool) -> None """ .. warning:: Do not instantiate ``Result`` instances directly, **always** use either :py:func:`Ok` or :py:func:`Error` functions. Otherwise, type guarantees cannot be given. """ if not _force: raise RuntimeError('Do not instantiate Result objects directly.') self._is_ok = _is_ok self._value = _value def __eq__(self, other): # type: (Any) -> bool # pylint: disable=protected-access # pylint: disable=line-too-long return bool( self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.is_ok == cast(Result[T, E], other).is_ok and self._value == other._value # Ignore: PEP8Bear ) def __ne__(self, other): # type: (Any) -> bool return not bool(self == other) def __hash__(self): # type: () -> int return hash((self.is_ok, self._value)) def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str if self.is_ok: return 'Ok({})'.format(repr(self._value)) return 'Error({})'.format(repr(self._value)) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] @classmethod def Ok(cls, value): # type: (T) -> Result[T, E] return cls(_is_ok=True, _value=value, _force=True)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] @classmethod def Error(cls, error): # type: (E) -> Result[T, E] return cls(_is_ok=False, _value=error, _force=True)
@property def is_ok(self): # type: () -> bool return self._is_ok @property def is_error(self): # type: () -> bool """ Returns ``True`` if the result value is invalid. """ return not self._is_ok # pylint: disable=invalid-name @property def ok(self): # type: () -> Optional[T] """ Return the result value - valid - if it is valid. Otherwise, ``None`` is returned. """ return cast(T, self._value) if self.is_ok else None @property def error(self): # type: () -> Optional[E] """ Return the result value - error - if it is invalid. Otherwise, ``None`` is returned. """ return cast(E, self._value) if self.is_error else None @property def value(self): # type: () -> Union[T, E] """ Return the result value. It will be either one of valid and error types. """ return self._value
[docs] def expect(self, message): # type: (str) -> T """ Return the result value if it is valid. Otherwise, an exception is raised. """ if self.is_ok: return cast(T, self._value) # Avoiding cyclic imports... # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from .glue import GlueError raise GlueError(message)
[docs] def expect_error(self, message): # type: (str) -> E """ Return the result value if it is invalid. Otherwise, an exception is raised. """ if self.is_error: return cast(E, self._value) # Avoiding cyclic imports... # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from .glue import GlueError raise GlueError(message)
[docs] def unwrap(self): # type: () -> T """ Return the result value if it is valid. Otherwise, an exception is rised. """ return self.expect('Expected valid result value, found error')
[docs] def unwrap_error(self): # type: () -> E """ Return the error value if the result is invalid. Othwerise, an exception is raised. """ return self.expect_error('Expected invalid result value, found valid one')
[docs] def unwrap_or(self, default): # type: (T) -> T """ Return the result value if it is valid. Otherwise, ``default`` is returned. """ if self.is_ok: return cast(T, self._value) return default
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def Ok(value): # type: (T) -> Result[T, E] """ Shortcut function to create a new valid Result. """ return Result.Ok(value)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def Error(error): # type: (E) -> Result[T, E] """ Shortcut function to create a new error Result. """ return Result.Error(error)