Source code for gluetool.tests

# pylint: disable=blacklisted-name

import json

import ruamel.yaml
from six import iteritems

import gluetool

__all__ = ['Bunch', 'NonLoadingGlue', 'create_module', 'create_yaml']

[docs]class Bunch(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Object-like access to a dictionary - useful for many mock objects. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
[docs]class NonLoadingGlue(gluetool.Glue): """ Current Glue implementation loads modules and configs when instantiated, which makes it *really* hard to make assumptions of the state of its internals - they will always be spoiled by other modules, other external resources the tests cannot control. So, to overcome this I use this custom Glue class that disables loading of modules and configs on its instantiation. """
[docs] def _load_modules(self): pass
[docs] def parse_config(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ pass
[docs] def parse_args(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ pass
class CaplogWrapper(object): """ Thin wrapper around pytest's caplog plugin. """ def __init__(self, caplog): self._caplog = caplog @property def records(self): return self._caplog.records def __repr__(self): return '\n'.join(["<Record: msg='{}'>".format(record.message) for record in self.records]) def clear(self): """ Clear list of captured records. """ self._caplog.handler.records = [] def match(self, matcher=any, **kwargs): def _cmp(record): return all(getattr(record, field) == value for field, value in iteritems(kwargs)) return matcher(_cmp(record) for record in self.records)
[docs]def create_module(module_class, glue=None, glue_class=NonLoadingGlue, name='dummy-module', add_shared=True): glue = glue or glue_class() mod = module_class(glue, name) if add_shared is True: mod.add_shared() return glue, mod
def create_file(tmpdir, name, writer): f = tmpdir.join(name) filepath = str(f) with open(filepath, 'w') as stream: writer(stream) stream.flush() return filepath
[docs]def create_yaml(tmpdir, name, data): return create_file(tmpdir, name, lambda stream: ruamel.yaml.YAML().dump(data, stream))
def create_json(tmpdir, name, data): return create_file(tmpdir, name, lambda stream: json.dump(data, stream))